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Announce Date [Date of Effective Change] Buyer/ Seller Name [Type*] S/ W/ U ** Bought/ (Sold) ('000) Price ($) After Trade Note
No. of Shares ('000) *** % Held ***
Hong Chin Fock [DIR] S 40  - 240 0.08 Note
Exercise of 40,000 warrants by Hong Chin Fock and exercise of 121,000 warrants by other warrantholders. 1. The number of shares held before the change was calculated based on the total number of issued shares excluding treasury shares of 312,000,200. 2. The number of shares held after the change was calculated based on the total number of issued shares excluding treasury shares of 312,161,200 as at date of notification.
Hong Chin Fock [DIR] W (40)  - NA NA Note
No. of Warrants held after the change: 0 As a percentage of issued share capital: 0 % Exercise of 40,000 warrants by Hong Chin Fock and exercise of 121,000 warrants by other warrantholders. 1. Where reference is made to shares, it refers to warrants. 2. The number of warrants held before the change was calculated based on the total number of issued warrants of 59,399,800. 3. The number of warrants held after the change was calculated based on the total number of issued warrants of 59,238,800 as at date of notification.
* DIR - Director (include Directors of related companies)
SSH - Substantial Shareholder
COY - Company Share Buyback
TMRP - Trustee-Manager/Responsible Person
** S - Shares
W - Warrants
U - Units
R - Rights
*** Direct & Deemed Interests


  1. Only trades by directors, substantial shareholders and company share buy back are included in Insider Trades.